Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

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$275.00 USD
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$275.00 USD
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If you have a website that collects any sort of data, you are legally required to have a privacy policy. 


What does "collecting data" mean, from a legal standpoint?


If you have use sort of analytics (such as Google Analytics), have a contact form that allows people to contact you, to provide their email address, their name, or any other personal information, or process any fees through your website (such as through an online shop), you are legally required to have a privacy policy, under federal FTC, EU, and multiple state laws.


The most common legal issue I see with online business owners is violation of federal law by failing to include a privacy policy on their website.This contract is ready for you to plug it into your website today with provisions that will protect your business now and in the future.



  • Which sites and social media platforms are covered by the policy

  • Notification of collection of site visitors personal information

  • Which personal information may be collected

  • How the personal information is used

  • Where servers and information are located and stored

  • List of rights for EU citizens under the GDPR and where complaints may be made

  • What cookies are and why they are needed

  • Your policy with minors and how minors may or may not use your website

  • How long data is kept on file for

  • If you will or will not share users information with others

  • How your visitors may request access to the information you have for them

  • How personally identifiable information versus non-personally identifiable information is used and shared

  • Notice of privacy rights to California residents

  • Limitations on your responsibility for visitor information

  • Statement on your ability to change the policy



This template is additionally available at The Creative Law Shop®, our contract shop for online business owners. At  The Creative Law Shop®, you'll find more than 85 attorney-drafted contracts, peer-reviewed by industry professionals. 

Why purchase here versus at The Creative Law Shop®It's entirely up to you! The document listed here is the exact same as that available at The Creative Law Shop®. The only difference? At  The Creative Law Shop®, we offer lifetime updates (currently not available at Fairway Stables), and host periodic sales.